Bethlehem Lutheran Church
4th & Ovington Avenues
Bay Ridge - Brooklyn NY
HomeMonthly MessageMinistries

The members of Bethlehem Lutheran Church invite you to tour our website, learn more about us, and come to one of our 10:30 a.m. Sunday services. We hold a traditional service with music from our organist and 15-member choir, and have a "family friendly" program that takes care of your children during the service. We offer an experience that makes everyone feel welcome.​
Contact Us
The Heart of Bay Ridge
We are an active congregation helping the Bay Ridge community with a variety of ministries and services.

  • Youth Groups

Learn more about our Ministries
Bethlehem Lutheran Church is on the corner of Fourth Avenue & Ovington Avenue in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn NY. 

We are here every Sunday at 10:30am and hope to meet you soon.
Walk-a-thon - April 5th
Our Mission
To serve God and God's people. To live our faith daily through worship, and providing education, support, nourishment, compassion, good counsel, love, and service to the larger community - welcoming all who join us in this mission.

Our Statement of Welcome
Bethlehem Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ congregation. People of all sexual orientations and gender identities are welcome within the membership of this congregation and are encouraged to share in the sacramental and general life of this Christian family.
Welcome to our temporary website, while our new website is under construction.
March Message from Pastor Paul
Click here for the monthly message from Rev. Paul H. Knudsen
Regular Sunday Service at 10:30am
Sunday Worship Service 
10:30 a.m.
March Services & Events
3/2  Worship service; installation of Church Council @10:30am
3/4  Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper @6:30pm
3/5  Ash Wednesday Worship @7:30pm
3/8  Young Adult Group country line-dance (meet @5:00pm)
3/9  Scout Sunday; Rev. Kathleen Koran preaching @10:30am
3/2  Lenten Prayer & Contemplation (12-1pm)
3/16 Worship service @10:30am
3/16 Youth Group (Confirmation) event @12:00pm
3/19 Lenten Prayer & Contemplation (12-1pm)
3/23 Worship service @10:30am
3/23 Youth Group (Post-Confirmation) event @12:00pm
3/26 Lenten Prayer & Contemplation (12-1pm)
3/28 LES Spring Fundraiser at Rex Manor @7:00pm
3/30 Worship service @10:30am
  • Coffee Hours follow all Sunday services
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Walk-a-thon
Join us and The Healing Center as we walk across the Brooklyn Bridge to call attention to this important issue. Or pledge.

  • Register for the Walk-a-thon HERE.

Pastor's Message
Click for info
A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
Click for video